
Back Pain Slipped, Herniated Discs & Sciatica

Spinal pain is the most common condition we see at Swale Back Pain Clinic. One in two people experience some form of back pain in their lives. From very moderate to severe. With or without leg pain. Thankfully over 94% of people experiencing some form of back pain resolve or improve without the need for invasive treatment. Swale Back Pain Clinic can offer you the broadest and most up to date expert advice and care on helping resolve your back pain issue.

Shoulder Pain Subacromial Impingement Frozen Shoulder

The most common problem we see most at Swale Back Pain Clinic next to back pain. The shoulder is a very mobile joint but also prone to injury and overstrain. We can offer you expert advice, diagnostic imaging, therapy and management strategies to have you functioning well again.

Neck Pain & Trapped Nerves

We now live in the era of “tech neck”. With so many of us working from computers and hand- held devices positional strain put upon our necks and spines can lead to pain, headaches, restriction and immobility. We are well placed at Swale Back Pain Clinic to help resolve your neck pain via our broad range of therapies, advice and support.

Sports Injuries

Whether a weekend warrior or an elite level athlete, injury can occur. Struggling to find a solution or advised not to continue sport or train? A swift and accurate diagnosis are what you need to inform therapy and optimal rehabilitation choices, restoring you back to full fitness as swiftly as possible.

Chronic Tension Headaches (Cervicogenic)

A debilitating condition that can impact severely on day- to- day life, industry and wellness. Headaches originating from the neck shoulder and spinal region, can respond extremely well to a number of our provided therapies. Your therapist can advise you on the best approach for your specific problem.

Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow

These common, painful and frustrating conditions benefit from a multi- factorial approach including osteopathy, acupuncture, self- help advice and exercise rehabilitation. You don’t have to be a tennis player or golfer to experience them!

Illio-tibial Band Syndrome (ITB pain) Bursitis

Theses condition are very- common in keen walkers, runners and cyclists. It can greatly impact upon normal function and sporting performance. A variety of approaches from massage, acupuncture, stretching, gait analysis and remedial exercise can help you to resolve the problem.

Knee, Ankle & Hip Pain. Osteopathy isn’t just for backs!

From mild osteoarthritis to ligament strains. Tendonitis to patellofemoral joint pain. It is likely we have a solution for your problem. Our comprehensive range of therapies and diagnostic capabilities allow us to provide fast and effective strategies and treatment to have you moving freely again.

Pregnancy Related Back & Sacro-Illiac Pain

During pregnancy, the mother’s body goes through many adaptations and changes. It is very- common for mothers to be, to experience back or pelvic pain. Osteopathy is a gentle, safe form of therapy and can help you greatly through your pregnancy as your body continues to adjust.

To arrange an appointment call us on 0333 444 0952 or email


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Where are we?

We are located in

The Coach House Syndale Park,
London Road Faversham,
Kent ME13 0RH

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